Saturday, December 06, 2008

Something to think about..

Happen to come across this comment...

Hmmm.... something to think about..

Only a Christian nation would have allowed this atheist a choice to not believe. Not even atheist nations give you a choice. You have to believe what they want you to believe. So the fact that he is able to freely protest proves to me that we live in a free Christian nation. History proves that there is no freedom without God. If only the atheist would learn this.

Below is a good enough answer to those who wants to know... Happen to come across this comment too..

I have to agree with Jack Kelly's commentary on the holiday season. It was and is originally a pagan holiday season. Let's let them have it back and begin to celebrate Jesus' birth at the time that he was most probably born, which is around Rosh Hoshana. The Romans are the reason we celebrate Christ's birth at this time in their attempt to combine the old Roman pagan gods and Christianity. The same goes for the Resurection and Easter. Ever wondered what bunnies and eggs have to do with the Resurection of our Lord and Savior? It comes from the Babylonian goddess Ishtar, the goddess of fertility. Lets celebrate Resurection Sunday when it supposed to be celebrated, the Sunday following Passover. Let the pagans have their rituals, lets celebrate our Christian Holy days when they should be celebrated. The atheist is right about this, these are not historically Christian holidays/festivals. I know this is probably not a popular view. I've never been able to really wrap my arms around Christmas for this reason, not since I was a kid. As for Santa Clause, again I have to agree with Mr. Kelly. Lets stop lying to our kids about where blessings come from, and exhalt our Lord to them instead, give Him the glory for all blessings. Kids, ultimately, don't care one whit where the presents come from, as long as they come. Just my 2 cents.

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Children are born believers in God, academic claims

Children are born believers in God, academic claims
Children are "born believers" in God and do not simply acquire religious beliefs through indoctrination, according to an academic.

By Martin Beckford, Religious Affairs Correspondent
Last Updated: 11:36PM GMT 24 Nov 2008

Dr Justin Barrett, a senior researcher at the University of Oxford's Centre for Anthropology and Mind, claims that young people have a predisposition to believe in a supreme being because they assume that everything in the world was created with a purpose.

He says that young children have faith even when they have not been taught about it by family or at school, and argues that even those raised alone on a desert island would come to believe in God.

"The preponderance of scientific evidence for the past 10 years or so has shown that a lot more seems to be built into the natural development of children's minds than we once thought, including a predisposition to see the natural world as designed and purposeful and that some kind of intelligent being is behind that purpose," he told BBC Radio 4's Today programme.

"If we threw a handful on an island and they raised themselves I think they would believe in God."

In a lecture to be given at the University of Cambridge's Faraday Institute on Tuesday, Dr Barrett will cite psychological experiments carried out on children that he says show they instinctively believe that almost everything has been designed with a specific purpose.

In one study, six and seven-year-olds who were asked why the first bird existed replied "to make nice music" and "because it makes the world look nice".

Another experiment on 12-month-old babies suggested that they were surprised by a film in which a rolling ball apparently created a neat stack of blocks from a disordered heap.

Dr Barrett said there is evidence that even by the age of four, children understand that although some objects are made by humans, the natural world is different.

He added that this means children are more likely to believe in creationism rather than evolution, despite what they may be told by parents or teachers.

Dr Barrett claimed anthropologists have found that in some cultures children believe in God even when religious teachings are withheld from them.

"Children's normally and naturally developing minds make them prone to believe in divine creation and intelligent design. In contrast, evolution is unnatural for human minds; relatively difficult to believe."

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Monday, December 01, 2008

A/P Ang Whye Teong has joined my church

Ok, A/P Ang Whye Teong taught me Mathematics 3 before. I saw him a couple of times in English service last year. But saw his testimony yesterday. Alright, below is his and his wife testimony:

This is him (in case some of you forget):

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Friday, November 21, 2008

Planet Earth

Psalm 19:1-3: The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard.

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Tuesday, October 28, 2008

KNS!! I did badly for my IPPT today!!!!!!!!!

I failed 3 stations - SBJ, chin up and 2.4km - today. Damn it! I was doing night shift on Sunday and Mon. Went back home on Tuesday morning to sleep and then went to bedok camp for IPPT. My body was not on good condition to pass IPPT. I only do better for sit up while the rest I did not improve on my previous IPPT results. I believe my body has too much cortisol and too little glucose storage and too little serotonin today.... Never underestimate the health damage caused by doing night shift. Read the articles below for more information:

Sleep Deprivation Can Hinder Sports Performance

Logic would say that getting enough sleep is important for optimal sports performance, but there wasn't much evidence to support this theory -- until now. Some recent studies have found that that sleep deprivation can slow glucose metabolism by as much as 30 to 40%.

Eve Van Cauter, Ph.D., from the University of Chicago Medical School, studied the effects of three different durations of sleep in 11 men ages 18 to 27. For the first three nights of the study, the men slept eight hours per night; for the next six nights, they slept four hours per night; for the last seven nights, they slept 12 hours per night.

Results showed that after four hours of sleep per night (the sleep deprivation period), they metabolized glucose least efficiently. Levels of cortisol (a stress hormone) were also higher during sleep deprivation periods, which has been linked to memory impairment, age-related insulin resistance, and impaired recovery in athletes.

Van Cauter said that after only one week of sleep restriction, young, healthy males had glucose levels that were no longer normal and showed a rapid deterioration of the body's functions. This reduced ability of the body to manage glucose is similar to those found in the elderly.

Most of what we know about sleep deprivation has to do with immune function and brain function. This study is interesting because it shows that sleep deprivation can negatively impact physiology that is critical for athletic performance -- glucose metabolism and cortisol status. While no one completely understands the complexities of sleep, this (and other research) indicates that sleep deprivation can lead to increased levels of cortisol (a stress hormone), decreased activity of human growth hormone (which is active during tissue repair), and decreased glycogen synthesis.

Other studies link sleep deprivation with decreased aerobic endurance and increased ratings of perceived exertion.

What does this all mean?

Glucose and glycogen (stored glucose) are the main sources of energy for athletes. Being able to store glucose in muscle and the liver is particularly important for endurance athletes. Those who are sleep deprived may experience slower storage of glycogen, which prevents storage of the fuel an athlete needs for endurance events beyond 90 minutes.

Elevated levels of cortisol may interfere with tissue repair and growth. Over time, this could prevent an athlete from responding to heavy training and lead to overtraining and injury.

Obviously, more research is necessary. But this study indicates that a chronic lack of sleep may affect metabolic function. For the endurance athlete, proper sleep during heavy training and before competitions certainly may help and is unlikely to cause harm.

Why Athletes Need Rest and Recovery

It is the alternation of adaptation and recovery that takes the athlete to a higher level of fitness. High-level athletes need to realize that the greater the training intensity and effort, the greater the need for planned recovery. Monitoring your workouts with a training log, and paying attention to how your body feels and how motivated you are is extremely helpful in determining your recovery needs and modifying your training program accordingly.


Why You Should Try to Avoid Shift Work and Irregular Sleep

According to a study published in the August 1, 2007 issue of the journal Sleep, rotating shift workers have significantly lower levels of serotonin (precursor to melatonin) than people who work regular day shifts. A total of 683 men of European ancestry were evaluated for this study; 437 were day workers, and 246 were rotating shift workers.

Serotonin is a hormone that circulates throughout your body. It is also a neurotransmitter in your central nervous system (brain and spinal cord). A chronically low level of serotonin is associated with many health challenges, the most common of which are:

  • Poor quality sleep
  • Problems with body temperature regulation
  • Tendency to feel depressed and anxious
  • Poor ability to regulate anger and aggression
  • Sexual difficulties

The findings of this most recent study confirm the importance of maintaining a regular circadian rhythm by resting when you are tired, and striving to maintain a regular routine of sleeping.

If your current life circumstances do not allow for a regular sleeping routine, you should at least strive to acquire restful sleep whenever your schedule allows you to. Here are a few suggestions on how to accomplish this while working on a rotating shift schedule:

  1. Within your irregular sleep schedule, strive to maintain a steady routine of eating, getting cleaned up, spending time with loved ones, and taking care of necessary errands before going to sleep.
  2. When you must sleep while the sun is out, use a sleeping mask or dark and heavy curtains to provide a dark sleeping environment. A dark sleeping environment is important to your body's ability to produce serotonin.
  3. Do everything you can to minimize potential disruptions during sleep time, like turning the phone ringer off, posting a 'no solicitations' sign outside your home or apartment, and wearing earplugs.

For more information on this topic, including suggestions on how to support your health via high quality sleep, view the following articles:

Why You Should Sleep in Darkness

How Much Sleep Do You Really Need to Be Healthy?

Healthy Foods that Promote Deep Sleep

Nine Steps to Better Sleep

Study Abstract:

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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The 'R' word is getting louder and louder

Global economy very bad. I am starting to hear the echo of the 'R' word. When will it be my turn??

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Thursday, October 16, 2008

I pass my 2.4km during my 6th IPT session

Ok, today I went for the 6th session. The PTI warned us that it is the last training (next week will be briefing) and the most siong. After doing some general exercise, we ran 3x400km intervals and then followed by 3x800km intervals. The last part is 2.4km endurance running. And I clocked a 12:37 timing. haha... I checked the score table and I passed by just 3 seconds. *_*Y Haiz.. next week like no training leh.. tues got briefing and thurs surpose to be my IPPT but postponed to 28th after clashed with my night shift after the much changes in shift system recently. sianz.. need to change with other people on that day but still sianz.. cos the day before my IPPT is also night shift.. let me think if I should change that day with other people or not. I hope to get a pass ... a silver will make me happy like siao.. haha :D

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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Back to Jerusalem movement / 传回耶路撒冷运动

The Back To Jerusalem movement (Chinese:传回耶路撒冷运动) is a Christian evangelistic campaign begun in China by Chinese believers to send missionaries to all of the Buddhist, Hindu, and Muslim peoples who live "between" China and Jerusalem. This movement was founded during the 1920s, however government restrictions and persecution forced the movement to go underground for decades.

Since 2003, the most vocal international proponent of "Back to Jerusalem" has been the exiled Chinese house church leader Liu Zhenying a.k.a. "(Brother Yun)". But many Christian leaders in China, such as Samuel Lamb have distanced themselves from Yun and his foreign-funded movement, which they believe has been largely discredited. Yun intends for "Back to Jerusalem" to evangelize fifty-one countries by sending a minimum of 100,000 missionaries along the Silk Road, an ancient trade route that winds from China to the Mediterranean Sea[1].


The most audacious even dream of carrying the gospel beyond the borders of China, along the old Silk Road into the Muslim world, in a campaign known as "Back to Jerusalem". As [Time correspondent David] Aikman explains in Jesus in Beijing, some Chinese evangelicals and Pentecostals believe that the basic movement of the gospel for the last 2,000 years has been westward: from Jerusalem to Antioch, from Antioch to Europe, from Europe to America, and from America to China. Now, they believe, it's their turn to complete the loop by carrying the gospel to Muslim lands, eventually arriving in Jerusalem. Once that happens, they believe, the gospel will have been preached to the entire world.

Christianity finds a fulcrum in Asia
By Spengler

Ten thousand Chinese become Christians each day, according to a stunning report by the National Catholic Reporter's veteran correspondent John Allen, and 200 million Chinese may comprise the world's largest concentration of Christians by mid-century, and the largest missionary force in history. [1] If you read a single news article about China this year, make sure it is this one.

I suspect that even the most enthusiastic accounts err on the downside, and that Christianity will have become a Sino-centric

religion two generations from now. China may be for the 21st century what Europe was during the 8th-11th centuries, and America has been during the past 200 years: the natural ground for mass evangelization. If this occurs, the world will change beyond our capacity to recognize it. Islam might defeat the western Europeans, simply by replacing their diminishing numbers with immigrants, but it will crumble beneath the challenge from the East.

China, devoured by hunger so many times in its history, now feels a spiritual hunger beneath the neon exterior of its suddenly great cities. Four hundred million Chinese on the prosperous coast have moved from poverty to affluence in a single generation, and 10 million to 15 million new migrants come from the countryside each year, the greatest movement of people in history. Despite a government stance that hovers somewhere between discouragement and persecution, more than 100 million of them have embraced a faith that regards this life as mere preparation for the next world. Given the immense effort the Chinese have devoted to achieving a tolerable life in the present world, this may seem anomalous. On the contrary: it is the great migration of peoples that prepares the ground for Christianity, just as it did during the barbarian invasions of Europe during the Middle Ages.

Last month's murder of reverend Bae Hyung-kyu, the leader of the missionaries still held hostage by Taliban kidnappers in Afghanistan, drew world attention to the work of South Korean Christians, who make up nearly 30% of that nation's population and send more evangelists to the world than any country except the United States. This is only a first tremor of the earthquake to come, as Chinese Christians turn their attention outward. Years ago I speculated that if Mecca ever is razed, it will be by an African army marching north; now the greatest danger to Islam is the prospect of a Chinese army marching west.

People do not live in a spiritual vacuum; where a spiritual vacuum exists, as in western Europe and the former Soviet Empire, people simply die, or fail to breed. In the traditional world, people see themselves as part of nature, unchangeable and constant, and worship their surroundings, their ancestors and themselves. When war or economics tear people away from their roots in traditional life, what once appeared constant now is shown to be ephemeral. Christianity is the great liquidator of traditional society, calling individuals out of their tribes and nations to join the ekklesia, which transcends race and nation. In China, communism leveled traditional society, and erased the great Confucian idea of society as an extension of the loyalties and responsibility of families. Children informing on their parents during the Cultural Revolution put paid to that.

Now the great migrations throw into the urban melting pot a half-dozen language groups who once lived isolated from one another. Not for more than a thousand years have so many people in the same place had such good reason to view as ephemeral all that they long considered to be fixed, and to ask themselves: "What is the purpose of my life?"

The World Christian Database offers by far the largest estimate of the number of Chinese Christians at 111 million, of whom 90% are Protestant, mostly Pentecostals. Other estimates are considerably lower, but no matter; what counts is the growth rate. This uniquely American denomination, which claims the inspiration to speak in tongues like Jesus' own disciples and to prophesy, is the world's fastest-growing religious movement. In contrast to Catholicism, which has a very long historic presence in China but whose growth has been slow, charismatic Protestantism has found its natural element in an atmosphere of official suppression. Barred from churches, Chinese began worshipping in homes, and five major "house church" movements and countless smaller ones now minister to as many as 100 million Christians. [2] This quasi-underground movement may now exceed in adherents the 75 million members of the Chinese Communist Party; in a generation it will be the most powerful force in the country.

While the Catholic Church has worked patiently for independence from the Chinese government, which sponsors a "Chinese Catholic Patriotic Association" with government-appointed bishops, the evangelicals have no infrastructure to suppress and no hierarchy to protect. In contrast to Catholic caution, John Allen observes, "Most Pentecostals would obviously welcome being arrested less frequently, but in general they are not waiting for legal or political reform before carrying out aggressive evangelization programs."

Allen adds:
The most audacious even dream of carrying the gospel beyond the borders of China, along the old Silk Road into the Muslim world, in a campaign known as "Back to Jerusalem". As [Time correspondent David] Aikman explains in Jesus in Beijing, some Chinese evangelicals and Pentecostals believe that the basic movement of the gospel for the last 2,000 years has been westward: from Jerusalem to Antioch, from Antioch to Europe, from Europe to America, and from America to China. Now, they believe, it's their turn to complete the loop by carrying the gospel to Muslim lands, eventually arriving in Jerusalem. Once that happens, they believe, the gospel will have been preached to the entire world.
Aikman reports that two Protestant seminaries secretly are training missionaries for deployment in Muslim countries.

Where traditional society remains entrenched in China's most backward regions, Islam also is expanding. At the edge of the Gobi Desert and on China's western border with Central Asia, Islam claims perhaps 30 million adherents. If Christianity is the liquidator of traditional society, I have argued in the past, Islam is its defender against the encroachments of leveling imperial expansion. But Islam in China remains the religion of the economic losers, whose geographic remoteness isolates them from the economic transformation on the coasts. Christianity, by contrast, has burgeoned among the new middle class in China's cities, where the greatest wealth and productivity are concentrated. Islam has a thousand-year presence in China and has grown by natural increase rather than conversion; evangelical Protestantism had almost no adherents in China a generation ago.

China's Protestants evangelized at the risk of liberty and sometimes life, and possess a sort of fervor not seen in Christian ranks for centuries. Their pastors have been beaten and jailed, and they have had to create their own institutions through the "house church" movement. Two years ago I warned that China would have to wait for democracy. [3] I wrote:
For a people to govern itself, it first must want to govern itself and want to do so with a passion. It also must know how to do so. Democracy requires an act of faith, or rather a whole set of acts of faith. The individual citizen must believe that a representative sitting far away in the capital will listen to his views, and know how to band together with other citizens to make their views known. That is why so-called civil society, the capillary network of associations that manage the ordinary affairs of life, is so essential to democracy. Americans elect their local school boards, create volunteer fire brigades and raise and spend tax dollars at the local level to provide parks or sewers.
China's network of house churches may turn out to be the leaven of democracy, like the radical Puritans of England who became the Congregationalists of New England. Freedom of worship is the first precondition for democracy, for it makes possible freedom of conscience. The fearless evangelists at the grassroots of China will, in the fullness of time, do more to bring US-style democracy to the world than all the nation-building bluster of President George W Bush and his advisers.

1. The uphill journey of Catholicism in China, August 2, 2007, National Catholic Reporter.
2. See Luke Wesley, "Is the Chinese Church predominantly Pentecostal?" in American Journal of Pentecostal Studies 7:2 (2004).
3. China must wait for democracy, Asia Times Online, September 27, 2005.

Relevant links:

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Friday, October 10, 2008

AFA is ending its boycott of McDonald's

(click link above)

The American Family Association (AFA) is ending its boycott of McDonald's.

Mississippi-based AFA called for the boycott in May after the fast food giant joined the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce. McDonald's has notified the pro-homosexual organization that McDonald's vice president Richard Ellis resigned from the board of directors of NGLCC and his seat on the board will not be replaced.

In a press release on Thursday morning, AFA reports that in an email from McDonald's to its franchise owners the company stated its policy is "to not be involved in political and social issues."

Randy Sharp is director of special projects with AFA. He says McDonald's has pledged to remain neutral in the culture war surrounding homosexual marriage.

"The franchise owners understood very early that this was an issue that McDonald's did not need to be involved in from a corporate level, and [that] they needed to stick with serving good food products in a convenient way, at a good price."

McDonald's officials also said the company has no plans to renew its membership in the NGLCC when it expires in December.

Others can learn

AFA president Tim Wildmon says it's encouraging that the world's largest global foodservice retailer has pledged to remain neutral in the culture war. He says other corporations can learn from McDonald's decision to not be involved in political or social issues.

"That's been our appeal to these corporations," he explains. "...[J]ust stay neutral [and] don't give money to organizations that are going to fight against traditional values. And we try to tell folks [that] many of [their] customers are traditional values folks, and don't offend them by supporting gay and lesbian activist groups."

AFA founder and chairman Donald E. Wildmon states that his pro-family organization "appreciate[s] the decision by McDonald's to no longer support political activity by homosexual activist organizations."

Related link:

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Thursday, October 09, 2008

Something to think about: The upcoming US election

Something to think about...

A reprint of a letter mailed out by the American Family Association:

The upcoming election is the most critical election in the history of our nation. The very future of our nation’s foundation is at stake. Every person will be affected. If the liberals win, then our foundation will no longer be based on the traditional Judeo-Christian morality. It will gradually but assuredly be based on an ever shifting, ever moving foundation. If the liberals win, the damage can’t be stopped with elections two, four or forty years from now. America will forever be changed. We will keep seeing a gradual and growing hostility toward people of faith, especially Christians. The morals of our nation will continue to decline. Our children and grandchildren will pay the price.

In case you may think I’m a “the sky is falling” type of person, you should know: When it comes to predictions, I am a very reserved person. But not on this one. I cannot overstate the damage a liberal victory will do to our country. The upcoming election is the most important in the history of our nation. Yes, if the liberals win you will lose some of your religious freedoms and free speech rights. Churches and pastors will not be exempt. You will not be allowed to say certain things about a particular group. Every item of the homosexual agenda will be approved. All the laws protecting the unborn will be wiped away.

I cannot overemphasize the importance of the Nov. 4 election. That is why I urge you to vote and encourage your family members, friends, Sunday School class and church members to vote. America’s future – the future of your children and grandchildren – is at stake.

Donald E. Wildmon,
Founder and Chairman
American Family Association

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Wednesday, October 08, 2008

My third session of IPT

Sianz.. today run 13 x 400m in total.. legs pain liao.. tmr how to work.. :(

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Friday, October 03, 2008


Just watched this move "真的恋爱了?" There are some part of the contents quite meaningful. I have typed it out below. Another I record it and put it on this post.

你说神爱我, 那神的爱在那里
(i find the last two sentences weird weird de.. anyway, you get the idea... )

Love is..? (ending) -





If anyone wish to watch, can let me know.

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My second session of IPT

Ok, I went for my second IPT session yesterday. Do some warm up exercises and some general exercises. Then we split to specific training. Majority is weak in running so many join the "chongster" group. In total, I ran 8 x 400m during both the general exercises and specific training. This is only the beginning leh.. hope the next few sessions not very siong. Actually yesterday one is chicken feet liao :p ..

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Wednesday, October 01, 2008

I attended my first IPT session

I have not been taking IPPT for like 6 years already. I thought I can't make it for IPPT so I decided to register for the IPT (a 4 to 5 weeks course). Ok, the first lesson is to see which station you are weak in. So we did our IPPT. Although I fail my 2.4km run, I am quite happy to know that I can pass the other stations!!! I never expect that man.. haha

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Monday, September 29, 2008

The Final Analysis

People are often unreasonable, illogical and self-centered;Forgive them anyway.

If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives;Be kind anyway.

If you are successful, you will win some false friends.And some true enemies;Succeed anyway.

If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you;Be honest and frank anyway.

What you spend years building,Someone could destroy overnight;Build anyway.

If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous;Be happy anyway.

The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow;Be good anyway.

Give the world the best you have,And it may never be enough;Give the world the best you have anyway.

You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and God;It is never between you and them anyway.
——德蕾莎修女 Mother Teresa of Calcutta

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Monday, September 22, 2008


我喜欢以下的歌《点着我的灯》。 很有意义。。写出了基督徒人生。。








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Saturday, September 13, 2008

I attended Stephen Tong Gospel Rally "耶稣是谁?" today

Actually I planned to go yesterday. But due to changes in weekends duty, I am able to make myself available today to attend the gospel rally. Thanks God for the changes! Dr Stephen Tong is a amazing lecturer/speaker - knowledgeable and with superb God-given reasoning skils. I am gladful that I am able to attend the Q&A session and the gospel rally. Both are really eye openers and interesting. I became more knowledgeable of how God is intervening in world events. God is definitely watching over us.

For the the Gospel rally, I have sent email invitations to some of my friends and personally send sms to a few. None came. Expected. I felt sorry that they missed such a great opportunity to hear stephen tong speaking on stage. However, my part is up to the invitation. Beyond that is both socially / politically incorrect and against the bible teaching. And beyond that is God's job. Anway, I will continue to pray for them.

Stephen Tong is in his late sixties. He told us that he hope to hold rally once for the next two years and one more for the following two years and leave the rest to God's decision. Doesn't it mean 2012 is the last intended rally?

Anyway, I tomorrow need to work - duty ah! So I will stop here.

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Monday, August 11, 2008

The 10th planet and the end times event

Happen to come across this video about the new finding of the 10th planet Eris (or 2003 UB313 or Nibiru or Planet X) and the correlation with the end times event according to the Book of Revelation and the Book of Matthew (if I'm not wrong). Quite interesting but not too sure how true it is. Watch it with a pinch of salt bah ...

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Sunday, August 10, 2008

Albert Einstein is neither an atheist nor a christian. He is a deist!

After reviewing a few articles on whether Einstein is a believer of God; whether he is a christian, I have chosen this article to put on the this post. I feel the article below is good enough to answer these burning questions. I will put up more relevant articles if I happen to come across. If you are interested to know more, you may want to read: His Life and Universe

Did Albert Einstein Believe in a Personal God?
by Rich Deem

I get a fair amount of e-mail about Albert Einstein's quote1 on the homepage of Evidence for God from Science, so I thought it would be good to clarify the matter. Atheists object to the use of the quote, since Einstein might best be described as an agnostic.2 Einstein himself stated quite clearly that he did not believe in a personal God:

  "It was, of course, a lie what you read about my religious convictions, a lie which is being systematically repeated. I do not believe in a personal God and I have never denied this but have expressed it clearly."

No personal God

So, the quick answer to the question is that Einstein did not believe in a personal God. It is however, interesting how he arrived at that conclusion. In developing the theory of relativity, Einstein realized that the equations led to the conclusion that the universe had a beginning. He didn't like the idea of a beginning, because he thought one would have to conclude that the universe was created by God. So, he added a cosmological constant to the equation to attempt to get rid of the beginning. He said this was one of the worst mistakes of his life. Of course, the results of Edwin Hubble confirmed that the universe was expanding and had a beginning at some point in the past. So, Einstein became a deist - a believer in an impersonal creator God:

  "I believe in Spinoza's God who reveals himself in the orderly harmony of what exists, not in a God who concerns himself with fates and actions of human beings."

However, it would also seem that Einstein was not an atheist, since he also complained about being put into that camp:

  "In view of such harmony in the cosmos which I, with my limited human mind, am able to recognize, there are yet people who say there is no God. But what really makes me angry is that they quote me for the support of such views."

  "I'm not an atheist and I don't think I can call myself a pantheist. We are in the position of a little child entering a huge library filled with books in many languages. The child knows someone must have written those books. It does not know how. It does not understand the languages in which they are written. The child dimly suspects a mysterious order in the arrangements of the books, but doesn't know what it is. That, it seems to me, is the attitude of even the most intelligent human being toward God."

Why no personal God?

It is the second part of the quote that reveals the reason Einstein rejected the existence of a personal God. Einstein compared the remarkable design and order of the cosmos and could not reconcile those characteristics with the evil and suffering he found in human existence. How could an all-powerful God allow the suffering that exists on earth?
Einstein's error

Einstein's failure to understand the motives of God are the result of his incorrect assumption that God intended this universe as His ultimate perfect creation. Einstein could not get past the moral problems that are present in our universe. He assumed, as most atheists do, that a personal God would only create a universe which is both good morally and perfect physically. However, according to Christianity, the purpose of the universe is not to be morally or physically perfect, but to provide a place where spiritual creatures can choose to love or reject God - to live with Him forever in a new, perfect universe, or reject Him and live apart from Him for eternity. It would not be possible to make this choice in a universe in which all moral choices are restricted to only good choices. Einstein didn't seem to understand that one could not choose between good and bad if bad did not exist. It's amazing that such a brilliant man could not understand such a simple logical principle.


These days, those who fail to understand the purpose of evil not only reject the concept of a personal God, but also reject the concept of God's existence altogether. If you are an agnostic or atheist, my goal for you would be to recognize what Albert Einstein understood about the universe - that its amazing design demands the existence of a creator God. Then, go beyond Einstein's faulty understanding of the purpose of the universe and consider the Christian explanation for the purpose of human life and why evil must exist in this world.

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Sunday, August 03, 2008

Stephen Tong Gospel Rally "耶稣是谁?"

Stephen Tong Gospel Rally "耶稣是谁?" Would like to attend... Check dates... All dates I'm on duty!! Think will be going on the day I planned to take leave bah! Anyone interested?

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Friday, July 25, 2008

Many Thoughts...

I am still playing tribalwars which was introduced by KF.. haha.. Anyway, I happen to come across a description on my tribe profile in world 2:

Let it be know that on Sept. 22, 2007
one of our members was killed in Iraq.
He was a sergeant in the U.S. Army. He
was married and a father of 5. He will be
remembered as a Good Friend as well as a
member of the Holy Order of Truth.

It reminds me that the world we live in is just temporary...

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Monday, July 14, 2008

Mcdonald's USA support homosexuality

Oh God, Mcdonald's USA is supporting homosexuality and AFA is urging people to boycott Mcdonald's. For more information, click here: The world is indeed coming to devastation soon. I fear it may be in my times. Will it?

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Sunday, July 13, 2008

"Please don't leave me!"

Click the link above for better reading experience...

To whom it may concern ....

"Please don't leave me!"

Interview with Sharon Mah

By Christine Tan

Email article to a friend

1.30pm: I expectantly wait for my interview with Sharon Mah, a full-time vocalist in a band called, Soul2soul. Soon, a confident and nicely dressed Sharon hurried into the room and we comfortably started our conversation. Throughout the one hour, Sharon was open and real to share on her past encounters of love. She would easily break into laughter as well as struggle in tears as she recalled her difficult moments.

CT: Sharon, I heard your band would be playing a few gigs on the campuses. I guess you will be sharing your journey with the audience too. Is there a side of a story you have never shared with them before?

SM: Yes (smiles)...Since my first boyfriend in junior college, I had been jumping from a relationship to another. I've always had a guy in my life since then and felt that I would only be complete with one (laughs). Being in a relationship with a guy gave me security, as this made me feel wanted and loved.

CT: So did your past relationships make you feel loved and satisfied?

SM: Not exactly. There were often arguments and hurts, but I would give in to the guy and sweep everything under the carpet. I felt torn apart every single time this happened as I was pretending that everything was okay, when it wasn't. I would just keep holding on tightly until he called for a break-up, every time.

CT: How did you cope with your break-ups?

SM: After a break-up, I would often panic and even cease to "function." It's strange, because on the outside I tend to come across as independent and strong, but when it comes to love, I am so fearful. Even my friends didn't understand why! (laughs)

CT: Why were you afraid of being single? What did you do to make your relationship work?

SM: I was too afraid to let go because I had fears of being lonely or unwanted. So I tried all means to cling to the guy, even when things were not working out for us. For example, I gave in to physical intimacy, even when I wasn't comfortable with it. It was like my means of controlling the guy and making him stay. Yet, inside I would feel miserable and guilty at the same time.

CT: You must have felt terrible. What was your last relationship like?

SM: With my last boyfriend, we got along pretty well, but after 3 years of dating, marriage became a point of tension. He was unsure of marriage and whether I was the one for him (sighed). Again, my greatest fear surfaced and inside I was crying out, "Please don't leave me!" So, I tried to make the relationship work by clinging to him. But my worst nightmare came true when he initiated the break-up. I was so devastated as I thought he would be "the One" for me.

CT: How did you survive the break-up?

SM: At this time, I reached the breaking point of my life...I could only turn to God. You see, I'd been a Christian all my life, but I had never trusted this area of my life to God. I clung to my fear of abandonment despite knowing that God's always there for me (her eyes begin to swell with tears). But this time, I finally realized I couldn't go on like this anymore. I told God that I was not going to play games with Him again...I was tired of messing around and tired of breaking-up. I was tired of feeling insecure and lonely, and trying to fill that gap by having a guy in my life. I surrendered my fears to God and remembered telling God, "I just want what You want for me."

CT: What happened after you entrusted your fears to God?

SM: Amazingly for the very first time in my life, after I decided to trust God to clean up my life, I was at peace. It's not that the pain and fears disappeared overnight. I still hurt tremendously. But it didn't consume me as much as it did before. And where I had expected to feel despair, God gradually filled me with quiet hope. I slowly realized that God loves me just the way I wanted to be loved, in a deeply complete way. To expect that quality of love from someone else is not realistic at all. God delights in me as His child, and His love does not change.

CT: How did everything turn out for you in the end?

SM: Months later, my (last) ex-boyfriend and I met up again and I told him with a genuine smile, "Breaking up with you is the best thing that ever happened to me!" I knew I was a changed person then.

CT: Wow! That's amazing. What was your ex-boyfriend's response?

SM: To my great amazement, my ex-boyfriend told me God was also teaching him things in his life, that he needed to love me the right way.

It was at this point that he asked for us to get back together again. This time round, I surprised myself by telling him that I'd pray and think about it (I think he was surprised as well!). You see, my old self would have jumped right back into the relationship, but this time, I was at peace with not being in one. After a week, I eventually agreed. I think that must have been the longest week of his life!

Two months after we got back together, he proposed and we've been happily married for three and a half years now! God knew I needed to be changed before I commit myself into marriage.

CT: Indeed, break-ups, feelings of loneliness and abandonment are common heartbreakers in our lives. Some leave a deep scar behind while some leave us screaming in pain. But I guess the irony is that in spite of knowing the danger, we still willing get ourselves entangle in relationships or go in a wild search of the perfect lover. Something I learned from Sharon's story is that Sharon finally got her happily-ever-after, not because she found her Prince Charming, but because she has found security and love in God. God has taken away her fears of abandonment and replaced it with an assurance of His perfect love for her.

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The story of Whei Jie and Fabia

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May God work out my life the same way as He did for Whei Jie and Fabia ... 

The story of Whei Jie and Fabia

By Christine Tan

In my mind, a picture of perfect love is a loving couple committed to one another despite the circumstances. However, in the world today, break-ups and divorces are prevalent, and circumstances often determine a couple's commitment rather than vice-versa. Many couples change partners casually and often too frequently. The trend perceived is that the wisest (and perhaps "coolest") thing to do is to have many partners, so as to find the "right" one for your life. Apart from our grandparent's generation of matchmaking, it is rare to find a couple whose first love becomes their eventual life partner.

Whei Jie and Fabia, both 27, were each other's first love. After a long courtship of 8 years, they got married in September 2006. They overcame all odds, including a four year long distance relationship. You might find them rather familiar as this couple has graced the front cover of the "Naked I" magazine.

Their Story
Unlike her peers, Fabia had a different perspective on love and relationships. In her teens, she firmly believed that her first boyfriend should also become her husband-to-be. She wanted to commit to a relationship that would last. She also believed that her future boyfriend must be a Christian, one who loves and follows God. For her, the test came in January 1998, when she entered Junior College and met Whei Jie.

Whei Jie, who came from a neighbouring school, was extremely playful and had no interest in girls until he met his new classmate Fabia. He found himself attracted to Fabia because of the care she showed him as his friend. They were very comfortable with one another and slowly the feelings developed.

Fabia liked Whei jie, but there was a huge barrier that prevented her from beginning this relationship. Whei Jie was not a Christian, and she felt she would not be obeying God if she accepted him as her boyfriend. Fabia was torn, yet she knew she had to make the right decision and wanted to put God above her own desires. She gave the relationship to God and trusted that He would work something out for her.

One fateful night, Fabia revealed to Whei Jie her reason for not committing to the relationship. Whei Jie was taken aback by her decision. Though Whei Jie had been to church a couple of times, he could not understand why Fabia would be so serious about her Christian faith and allow it to determine her decision. After several days of reflection, Whei Jie's interest towards Christianity grew, not because of his enthusiasm in pursuing Fabia, but to find out who Jesus Christ really is. After months of reading the Bible, he was convinced that Jesus is the only way to salvation and life. He decided to place his faith in Christ. This time, Whei Jie knew that even if his relationship with Fabia did not work out, he would still believe in Christ. His sincere faith in Christ gave Fabia the assurance she needed.

Mid 1998, the couple began their courtship. From the start, they made the decision that their relationship would lead to marriage and that they would work on it despite the circumstances. At a young age of 17 they held on to their commitment, even when Fabia left to study in Australia for four years. They married 8 years later in September 2006.

Q: Fabia, I am really amazed that you had the courage to make the decision not to accept Whei Jie. What were the thoughts that went through your mind?
It was a hard and torturous time because I really liked Whei Jie. However, I knew that for him to begin a relationship with God was far more important than beginning a relationship with me. I wanted him to know God. Furthermore, I knew that if Whei Jie did not understand the love of God, he would not understand how I could or would want to be loved. Looking back, I know it is only God who could have given me the courage to make such a decision when I was just 17.

Q: Whei Jie, how did your life change after you accepted Christ?
God gave me a clear sense of direction and purpose, e.g. how to love, who to marry, etc. After we got together, I made the decision to love her in the way God loves me. I committed myself to be her husband. I also know my future is secure with Him.

Q: Wow! You were one another's first love! How did you maintain this courtship till marriage?
There was a lot of security in our relationship. From the start, we were very serious about making our relationship last and being faithful to each other. At the young age of 17, we made a commitment to work our relationship towards marriage. With God's help, we have been together for almost ten years now!

Q: Both of you were apart for 4 years, were you ever tempted to break-up?
There was never a point in our relationship where we were tempted to break-up, even when Fabia was studying overseas. It was not easy as we were apart for so long, but we held on to our commitment to be together. God helped us to cope with our loneliness and held us strong together. Looking back, it was in those 4 years that we both grew a lot in our faith in God.

Q: In your opinion, what is the key to a lasting relationship?
The couple must choose to believe that their relationship will last. It is a commitment to love each other to the end, not to make anyone your "reserve" if the relationship won't work out. Commitment and sacrifice are crucial. Besides these, it is also of utmost importance to allow God be the anchor of your relationship because no matter how perfect a couple seems, they will still hurt each other. God is the only unchanging One who loves us unconditionally and perfectly!

Q: Lasting relationships are rare in today's culture. Why do you think someone should stay committed in a relationship and not jump from one person to another?
Our hearts are valuable. We should not settle for the second best. A lot of people jump into relationships because they need affection and love to fill the emptiness of their hearts. If we commit ourselves loosely in a relationship, we will inevitably end up being hurt again and again. As a result, we will carry our scars and burdens from one relationship to another.

The story of Fabia and Whei Jie is an unusual one. At the point of a crossroad, Fabia surrendered the relationship to the will of God. In the face of rejection, Whei Jie discovered that the love of God for him is far greater that his own love for Fabia. As a result of their obedience and pursuit of God, they found each other. Does perfect love exist? Yes, I believe it does. When we are loved by the Perfect Lover, Jesus Christ, can we truly know how to love each other.

"Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins." --1 John 4:7-10

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The Mayonnaise Jar and Coffee Cup

When things in your life seem almost too much to handle, when 24 hours in a day are not enough, remember the mayonnaise jar...

A professor stood before his philosophy class and had some items in front of him. When the class began, wordlessly, he picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with golf balls. He then asked the students if the jar was full. They agreed that it was.

So the professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles rolled into the open areas between the golf balls. He then asked the students again if the jar was full. They agreed it was. The professor next picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up everything else. He asked once more if the jar was full. The students responded with a unanimous "yes."

The professor then produced two cups of coffee from under the table and poured the entire contents into the jar, effectively filling the empty space between the sand. The students laughed.

"Now," said the professor, as the laughter subsided, " I want you to recognize that this jar represents your life. The golf balls are the important things- your God, family, your children, your health, your friends, and your favorite passions-things that if everything else was lost and only they remained, your life would still be full. The pebbles are the other things that matter like your job, your house, and your car. The sand is everything else-the small stuff. "If you put the sand into the jar first," he continued, "there is no room for the pebbles or the golf balls. The same goes for life. If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff, you will never have room for the things that are important to you. Pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness. Spend time with God. Play with your children. Take time to get medical checkups. Take your partner out to dinner. Play another 18. There will always be time to clean the house and fix the disposal."

Take care of the golf balls first, the things that really matter. Set your priorities. The rest is just sand. One of the students raised her hand and inquired what the coffee represented. The professor smiled. "I'm glad you asked. It just goes to show you that no matter how full your life may seem, there's always room for a couple of cups of coffee with a friend."

Author Unknown - First appeared in 2001

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Friday, June 20, 2008

No more Life Bookshop :(

My favoruite Christian bookshop - Life Bookshop - has closed down for good since March. Heard all branches in Singapore closes. No wonder I can't life bookshop in suntec, tampines... haiz... very sad.. remember how last time I used to visit the shop after school and every now and then when I go walk walk in shopping center....

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Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Being tagged

Being tagged by Eunice. Better do this up or else I forget. haha.. I'm starting my 2 weeks night shift again!! haiz.. ):

1. What's your favorite anime at the present time?
No preference man. Any anime that can capture my attention is my favorite. Right now, I can think of are the classic ones like dragonball, rama 1/2, ... etc .. forget liao.. haha

2. Given the chance, what special ability/power would you like to have?
1. Never tired, full of energy, no need to sleep haha.. then can do a lot of things, can concentrate w/o tired haha..
2. Never hungry and feel thirsty.

Ok la.. the above is enough for me not to work liao. haha.. no need to eat and drink = no need to spend. No need to sleep = not really need a house, and so no spending. Full of energy = can walk and swim to China also no tired = no spending. So almost no spend, then why need to work. haha... then what is financial freedom, what is financial planning huh?, what is money, what is loan, what is CC, etc.. pui... they will be alien to me. haha..

3. How do you think about yourself?
Think about myself?? Why would I think about myself? Maybe you mean my future? Sometimes then.

4. Where is the place that you want to go the most?
Anywhere is my home. haha.. erm.. of course nice beautiful places la.. haha

5. If you can have 1 dream to come true, what would it be?
hmm... my special ability/power in question 2 to come true lo.. haha

6. Do you have a crush now?
No leh

7. What are you afraid to lose the most now?
If my special ability/power in question 2 do not come true, then I am afraid to lose my life and my everything right now la.. ?

8. If you win $1 million, what would you do?
aiyo, of cos downgrade to a less stressful job la. $1 million slowly spend and enjoy la..

9. If you meet someone that you love, would you confess to him/her?
If I am prepare, and already xia ting jue xin le and we have feelings for each other, I will bah .. haha..

10. List out 3 good points of the person who tagged you.
3 gd points ah.. haha.. 1. yi ge hao ren 2. yi ge lao si ren 3. yi ge you yong de ren.. haha lol.. :p

11. Which type of person do you hate the most?
The bible tells me to love my enemies... and blah blah... so I don't hate anyone... lol ... since I am a human, so I do dislike (hate is a strong word to use leh) some type of person but I don't know leh.. haha.. ok la... fake and hypocrite??(I peep at eunice ans :P)

12. What is your ambition?
To be a happy person. Sound simple but not east to do. haha..

13. If you have fault, would you rather the people around you point out to you or would you rather they keep quiet?
Depends on situation. If my pride keeps me from doing right, it would be good they point out to me and maybe have some talk it out session haha.. if I don't realize it, they point it out would be nice. with tact bah.. if it is minor fault or a fault that not I want, and if I self-correct myself, I would prefer they keep quiet lo..

14. What do you think is the most important in your life?
As a Christian, the most important thing is the great commission lo.

As a mere human on this siao earth, to learn to love one another and live out the life (the type of life that we are called to live) that I am suppose to live out lo..

But then, people always replace the most important thing with other stuff lo?

15. Are you a shopaholic or not?
No. No money no talk. haha.. window shopping bah... sometimes lazy to shop, shop here and there also the about the same lo.haha.. so only want to buy then go to shop lo.. if bored, then maybe also go shop lo... haha

16. What is the thing that you really want now?
I want money.. got money then no need work liao haha... :p
I take a peep at eunice ans.. ya.. to be serious, I want to know what is God's plan for me lo. what God has prepared for me in my life journey lo..

17. Why does it hurt when you punch someone?
According newton's 3rd law, it hurts. erm.. aiya, there are many nerve senses in our body. The sudden impact on our fist will injure the blood capillaries, vessels lo.. (before you copy this answer to your homework, you better do your own research. I wrote what it came to my mind.. so it may be wrong.. and it surely is incomplete.. haha)

Ok, lets move away from the physical aspect and to the emotional aspect. It hurts cos the other person blue-black.. and our brain will translate that hurt feeling for us lo.. (again before you copy this answer to your homework, you better do your own research. I wrote what it came to my mind.. so it may be wrong.. and it surely is incomplete.. haha)


18. Is there anything that you have done which you regret?
duno leh. if really got any regret, i will remember deep deep de.. so no?

19. Are you hungry right now?
juz eaten. you say leh?

20. Do you think that this survey is totally useless?
depends on the purpose of the survey. if it is to get know the other person better, then it is more or less useful. Nevertheless, this survey has comsumed ard 45 min to 1 hr of my time.. i think so.. nvr time leh.. haha

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Sunday, April 20, 2008

Why Beautiful Women Marry Less Attractive Men

Interesting report below (haha...) :

Why Beautiful Women Marry Less Attractive Men

Jeanna Bryner
LiveScience Staff Writer
Thu Apr 10, 11:25 AM ET

Women seeking a lifelong mate might do well to choose the guy a notch below them in the looks category. New research reveals couples in which the wife is better looking than her husband are more positive and supportive than other match-ups.

The reason, researchers suspect, is that men place great value on beauty, whereas women are more interested in having a supportive husband.

Researchers admit that looks are subjective, but studies show there are some universal standards, including large eyes, "baby face" features, symmetric faces, so-called average faces, and specific waist-hip ratios in men versus women.

Past research has shown that individuals with comparable stunning looks are attracted to each other and once they hook up they report greater relationship satisfaction. These studies, however, are mainly based on new couples, showing that absolute beauty is important in the earliest stages of couple-hood, said lead researcher James McNulty of the University of Tennessee. But the role of physical attractiveness in well-established partnerships, such as marriage, is somewhat of a mystery.

The new study, published in the February issue of the Journal of Family Psychology, reveals looks continue to matter beyond that initial attraction, though in a different way.

Supportive spouses

McNulty's team assessed 82 couples who had married within the previous six months and had been together for nearly three years prior to tying the knot. Participants were on average in their early to mid-20s.

Researchers videotaped as each spouse discussed with their partner a personal problem for 10 minutes. The tapes were analyzed for whether partners were supportive of spouses' issues, which included goals to eat healthier, to land a new job and to exercise more often.

"A negative husband would've said, 'This is your problem, you deal with it,'" McNulty said, "versus 'Hey, I'm here for you; what do you want me to do?; how can I help you?'"

A group of trained "coders" rated the facial attractiveness of each spouse on a scale from 1 to 10, with the perfect 10 representing the ultimate babe. About a third of the couples had a more attractive wife, a third a more attractive husband and the remaining partners showed matching looks.

Trophy wives

Overall, wives and husbands behaved more positively when the woman was better looking.

The finding "seems very reasonable," said Dan Ariely, a professor of behavioral economics at MIT's Program in Media Arts and Sciences and Sloan School of Management. "Men are very sensitive to women's attractiveness. Women seem to be sensitive to men's height and salary," said Ariely, who was not involved in the recent study.

In couples with more attractive husbands, both partners were less supportive of one another. McNulty suggests wives mirror, in some ways, the level of support they get from husbands.

"The husband who's less physically attractive than his wife is getting something more than maybe he can expect to get," McNulty told LiveScience. "He's getting something better than he's providing at that level. So he's going to work hard to maintain that relationship."

Men who are more attractive than their partners would theoretically have access to partners who are more attractive than their current spouses, McNulty said. The "grass could be greener" mentality could make these men less satisfied and less committed to maintain the marriage.

Physical attractiveness of husbands is not as important to women, the researchers suggest. Rather, wives are looking for supportive husbands, they say.

So it seems the mismatch in looks is actually a perfect match. "Equitable is unlikely to mean the same on every dimension," Ariely said during a telephone interview. "It just means that overall two people make sense together."

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Sunday, March 23, 2008

Why I go to church?

There are friends who ask me why I want to go to church. I haven't given them a proper answer yet. I shall answer it here. I go to church to feed my soul with God's words, so that it can enable to be a better fighter for the week ahead. "In the world but not of the world." How easy it is to say this out. It really hard to do it; really hard especially in this postmodern world.

It is like refilling oil for my lamp that is sufficient for a week long (or perhaps less especially with so many temptations around), lighting my surrounding. It is like providing strength for a goodfight needed in the week ahead.

Today is resurrection day. It reminds all people of all nations and all tongues of the hope that was promised 2000 years ago.

I wish all of you well and have a good week ahead!

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Friday, March 21, 2008

Investment / make money books VS Christian related books

Recently I have some inner conflicts whether to choose those make money (e.g investment) type of book to read or choose books related to my own faith to read. I have spent many years devoting my free time reading the my own faith books. When I see people who use the same years investing their time to books and article about financial stuff and become more knowledge on making money and more better off, I would sometimes envy them and sometimes regret why I did not follow them.

Lord, please delivers me from temptation.


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True colours shown

Haiz.. finally he speaks. Actuallly there is a class gathering tomorrow. I don't feel like going. He always adopts the "You go then I go" policy. He even encourage me to go since many are going and we haven't seen them for years. When I told him I am not going, he insisted not to go because I didn't but he sounded like he wanted to go. So I encouraged him to go lo and keep me updated what is happening in their life. He told me these and I never expect these from him:

"why shd i? unless u pay me for doing so....nothing is free in this world"

"u want (me) to go and collect info for you way man!"

I'm quite disappointed with what he told me. I have got nothing to gain knowing how is everybody doing right now. It is good to be aware how my classmates are doing right now. Also, it does not tally with what he said "It is good that we go since we haven't seen them for years."

It seems to be a follow up of my previous post. Finally I wake up from my long sleep . . . trying hard to tell myself that this is not how the society works . . .

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Monday, March 17, 2008

I begin to realize ...

Regardless of race and religion,

I begin to realize that it never pays to be a good, nice and honest person ...
It is just a superficial way of projecting ourselves out of rules governed and required by the society as a whole. It does not benefit us unless the "rules of exchange" set in - people waiting for this to take place until they are sick of each other.

I begin to realize that it never pays to concern others ...
People who play concern are due to intelligence purposes -- out to collect information and at the same time to kill time. Some may act out of rules set by the society. Some waiting for the time when they can benefit from it.

I begin to realize that all along I am sleeping in the lala land that think otherwise ... all along, I have been like a fool... suddenly wake up from a long sleep, realizing that the world is even more a frightening place to live in than I had before painted .. All along, I have seen and believed the false side of people - the side which their inner voice call them to be in but failed to achieve. I am wrong about many things I used to believe in and think of.

No matter what has happened to the people, the society and the world around, I know the faith that I have firmly believe in is unshakable. I will stand by it even if I have given in to the other voice - with one leg being shot, limping towards the destination. The light may be getting dimmer but it will never be put out.

Digress ...

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End of my 3443 night shift duty

Today is my rest day to adjust back to my normal sleeping hours. Tomorrow back to normal day working and thinking about the "battles" I have for this week and the amount of accumulated work.. I sianz.. I am still thinking.. why does God want to put us in this position? Really no other way? Might as well don't create us? haiz.. When times are bad, or in a bad situation or morale super low or at a lost where to go in life, we will tend to think about these questions de. When times are good, people may forget that is it God Who provides de or just say out the usually phrase "感谢赞美主!" or "Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!" like saying the magic words "Thank You" or "Sorry" like that.. Haiz.. be positive jnwk, life here is a "short while" only..

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"You are still young"

Recently, probably a few weeks ago, I went to bank A and B to do some transactions. Both told me to me to listen to their financial adviser or consultant for their financial plans.

Bank A
They told me to go listen to their protection cum savings plan. Need to hold for 15 years. I told them that their scheme too long. They told me "You are still young" and blah blah.. -_-

Bank B
They told me if I am interested in their 5 years deposits due to their higher interest rates (guarantee for 6 months only) and referred me to their financial consultant. After listening, oh it is a structured deposit. I told them the plan too long liao. He told me "You are still young" and blah blah.. -_- Then he went on to introduce me to other 4 to 5 of their plans. In the end, I did not apply for any and simply did what I want and left.

Hmm.. thinking.. Same strategy, same words. Learn from the same master, perhaps. Haiz.. Maybe it is time to think about some financial planning. These days, money never enough. Inflation keeps on raising.

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Get Paid To Read Emails

get paid to read email

I just joined Email Cash Pro. At least it is a Singapore Company. You simply have to read the e-mail that send to your mail box and get paid. Read below for more information:

How it works

Step 1: Sign up as a member for FREE

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Once you click on the Paid Link and visit the advertiser's website for 30 seconds, your account will be credited with 1 point. Your accumulated points will then be converted into cash credits on the first week of every month. The conversion is done based on 40% of our total earnings for the previous month. This means we share 40% of our total revenue with our members! Our conversion for the last few months ranges from 0.55 cents to 0.75 cents.

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Get Paid To Read Emails. Free To Join Now!

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Sunday, March 16, 2008

Passive Income

What are passive income? Passive income is simply regular cash flowing to you without you having to work much. You may have to work hard in the beginning but eventually, you just sit back and relax and money come straight to you.

I have been thinking how I can achieve this. Am I day-dreaming?

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