Saturday, September 13, 2008

I attended Stephen Tong Gospel Rally "耶稣是谁?" today

Actually I planned to go yesterday. But due to changes in weekends duty, I am able to make myself available today to attend the gospel rally. Thanks God for the changes! Dr Stephen Tong is a amazing lecturer/speaker - knowledgeable and with superb God-given reasoning skils. I am gladful that I am able to attend the Q&A session and the gospel rally. Both are really eye openers and interesting. I became more knowledgeable of how God is intervening in world events. God is definitely watching over us.

For the the Gospel rally, I have sent email invitations to some of my friends and personally send sms to a few. None came. Expected. I felt sorry that they missed such a great opportunity to hear stephen tong speaking on stage. However, my part is up to the invitation. Beyond that is both socially / politically incorrect and against the bible teaching. And beyond that is God's job. Anway, I will continue to pray for them.

Stephen Tong is in his late sixties. He told us that he hope to hold rally once for the next two years and one more for the following two years and leave the rest to God's decision. Doesn't it mean 2012 is the last intended rally?

Anyway, I tomorrow need to work - duty ah! So I will stop here.

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PuRpLeStAr said...

Hey I also went to the Gospel rally, children gospel rally and Q&A session but I did not see you LOL. BTW, is your question being read out??(If you had asked a question during the Q&A session)Stephen tong's really a good lecturer

JN 제러미 said...


thanks for visiting my blog. Do we know each other? If you have not even seen me before, how would you recognise me? lol. No leh, I didn't write any questions. If we don't know each other, nice to meet you. :D

Eunice said...

hey..long time din post comment here..hehe..

yeah i totally understand about how it's like to hand out many pamphlets of invitations and send so many sms but what u get it's not up to's normal..all they need is jz a touch from day..they will..