Monday, October 03, 2016

Pokemon Go: Completing the Pokedex

Technically I'm done with this game. Getting the other 2 rare pokemons is like winning a lottery and I usually have no luck with that. Not gona be as zealous as before but will still keep a look out for them.
Pokemon Go has indeed helped me to be more familiar and refamiliarise myself with Singapore Terrain and I have become fitter during the process. It motivates me to cycle to Changi Village, Punggol waterway park and East Coast park. Total distance covered walking and cycling on each occassion can be 10-20km or more. I seldom do that nowadays but It is fun wandering around Singapore and talking to strangers. If I have time and the inspiration, I would like to write about my reflection, like human nature, about this game. ^^
N.B: If anyone has not started this game and you like playing treasure hunt, you may like this game too.

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Saturday, August 27, 2016

Won $200 in Travel Smart Rewards :))

First time won $200. Every time I miss this $200. Finally!! :))

Join Travel Smart Rewards and stand to win $$ for off-peak trips on MRT/LRT. For people who are interested, you may sign up here:

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Monday, February 29, 2016

How long can passive income last? Are they truly passive?

Passive income has become the catch phrase to gain financial freedom. Can passive income last you a life time? Are they truly passive?

In my opinion, passive income cannot last forever. For example, a company can close down and gone your cash cow. A MLM company can close down due to recession/depression. A youtube video or blog can run out of consistent clicks to generate "click" revenues. Renting a room is subjected to supply and demand, and changes to government policy. A book royalty you get from every book being purchased depends on how long the popularity of the book will be. And ETC.

In conclusion, you have a work hard to achieve a certain period of passive income and continuously look out for opportunities to create them. The multiple stream of income does not mean it will be forever in-flowing to your bank account! LOL Sustaining the passive income is the hardest. Arm yourself with skill that create wealth is the most important.

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