Monday, March 17, 2008

I begin to realize ...

Regardless of race and religion,

I begin to realize that it never pays to be a good, nice and honest person ...
It is just a superficial way of projecting ourselves out of rules governed and required by the society as a whole. It does not benefit us unless the "rules of exchange" set in - people waiting for this to take place until they are sick of each other.

I begin to realize that it never pays to concern others ...
People who play concern are due to intelligence purposes -- out to collect information and at the same time to kill time. Some may act out of rules set by the society. Some waiting for the time when they can benefit from it.

I begin to realize that all along I am sleeping in the lala land that think otherwise ... all along, I have been like a fool... suddenly wake up from a long sleep, realizing that the world is even more a frightening place to live in than I had before painted .. All along, I have seen and believed the false side of people - the side which their inner voice call them to be in but failed to achieve. I am wrong about many things I used to believe in and think of.

No matter what has happened to the people, the society and the world around, I know the faith that I have firmly believe in is unshakable. I will stand by it even if I have given in to the other voice - with one leg being shot, limping towards the destination. The light may be getting dimmer but it will never be put out.

Digress ...

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