Sunday, March 23, 2008

Why I go to church?

There are friends who ask me why I want to go to church. I haven't given them a proper answer yet. I shall answer it here. I go to church to feed my soul with God's words, so that it can enable to be a better fighter for the week ahead. "In the world but not of the world." How easy it is to say this out. It really hard to do it; really hard especially in this postmodern world.

It is like refilling oil for my lamp that is sufficient for a week long (or perhaps less especially with so many temptations around), lighting my surrounding. It is like providing strength for a goodfight needed in the week ahead.

Today is resurrection day. It reminds all people of all nations and all tongues of the hope that was promised 2000 years ago.

I wish all of you well and have a good week ahead!

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi how did u celebrate Easter? oh yeah regarding my post i wrote in malay cos akademi fantasia most malay watch.. haha.. i still write in english for american idols, superstar, food, places, etc. do continue to drop by yar. Take care and God Bless.