Friday, December 28, 2007

VERY keen to change job!!

Haiz, I am quite keen to join this company ( as production supervisor (Lifescience-biochip). The only thing I hope is that it is near my house. I don't feel any job satisfaction working in my current company. I hate the system. The system crap!! Hate it! Taiwanese system... I hate it man! The reason making me hesitating to quit my current job is the location (no need to wake up so early man!! :D) and lack of experience. My interest is in bio area man... What should I decide on?? haiz..

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Saturday, December 01, 2007

My Personal DNA Maps

I have taken the personal dna tests. Here is my results (move the cursor over the colour of the map below:


Maybe I need to retake this test again. ops.. :D

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Saturday, October 20, 2007

Careers that I would enjoy

These are the career I think I would enjoy:

1. Police officer in the CID department

-> I enjoy solving mystery, busting those nasty, bad cunning guys' plans. Nabbing them and subjecting them to the laws of the land. Romans 13:1-2 states: "Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, he who rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. "

Oh ya, no it is not due to the TV drama "Metamorphosis 破萤而出" that inspired me. But this show does enhance my liking of this type of career.

2. Teacher

-> I enjoy ... impacting ... ~ explanation to be given later ~

3. Full time missionary worker in the mission field

-> ~ explanation to be given later ~


The above are just some of my dream careers. Due to some personal reasons, I may have to choose not to be in these professions.

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Friday, October 19, 2007

Perverse lifestyles: unnatural law

In the past, people used to think homosexual - woman on woman, man on man, as a mental disorder and these people are deemed as abnormal. However, recently, experts and scientists are telling people that homosexual are no longer a mental disorder but are due to genetic disorder and these people are born this way. To a large extent, I do not agree with the recent explanation. Don't ask me to a small extent what I believe then and don't ask me to explain my stand. I am aware of such debates and only Someone who has the ultimate authority over all of the inhabitants will know the answer and has the ability to stop all these debates once and for all. (Oh, may that day come quickly.)

Let us not talk about homosexual. What about human on animal? (I do not know what the correct word to refer to this act) Do we still see them as being born with that preference? If homosexual can be viewed as normal after many years of arguments, "proving" and "deproving", what can we think of those people who are doing on animals? Should we see them as normal also?

Considering the theory of evolution, humans are evolved from apes. Thus humans were once animals, like those cow, horse and etc. This means human should be given the freedom to mate with animals who evolved much slower than us? Oh man, how flaw is the theory of evolution. Yes human do evolve overtime, but this is micro-evolving and not macro-evolving. How about the spiritual interpretation of life? Since in the past, all human were apes, then that means in the beginning (ops, there is no beginning for some religious group), all have bad karma?? Using the theory of evolution, we are only trying to interpret life physically without considering about the spiritual part. Anyway, we can't prove the theory of evolution - ask an expert or scientist if you don't believe. My advice is: Ask a neutral and knowledgeable one.

All right , back to the questions on the second paragraph. Perhaps yes, as the time goes by and as morality continue to degrade further - people will be free to do whatever they like and there will be no "right and wrong" (by this, I am talking about God's natural laws). By then, the bible (ok, I know there are other religion views also. I will not include this here as it will make the biblical views on these perverse lifestyles more complicated) would definitely be the number one enemy and people who are advocating the biblical point would be deemed as outcast. (This day would come eventually - believe me. The question is when.)

[Take a look at this recent news on homosexuality in California. Shockingly surprised. I was taken aback when I read it. What in the world is going on man?! *Shake Head* A follow-up of this recent news: Click here]

Maybe we are gradually entering into the "Noah" age again. And how long would God tolerate and finally intervene into human history (for the 3rd time and the last time, according to my own understanding) again?

God knows. We were given this warning "Watch!".

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Thursday, October 18, 2007

Interesting stuff: Dennis

I just found something interesting. Dennis when spelled backwards is sinneD. Haha.. Interesting hor..

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Is money really the root of all evil?

I really want to correct anybody who still thinks "Money is the root of all evil.". No it isn't! At first I also thought so. 1 Timothy 6:10 says:"For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs."

To quote somebody who wrote "There is no inherant sanctity in being poor. There is no sanctity in being rich either. However, the manner in which we become poor or rich has very much to do with virtue or the lack."

To quote another: "The only thing evil about money is how some people use it or worship it. Now, money, like most things, is just a thing, a tool. It's how you look at and how you use His things (for all things belong to God) that makes the difference here. As in all things with God, motive , if not being everything, is certainly the main thing!"

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Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Some food for thoughts

No money no smile? Got money got smile? More money more smile?

Your best friend is the one who tells you the most truth?

The person who loves you most tells you the most truth?

Any thoughts or comments? hmm..

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Monday, October 15, 2007

About making a difference nowadays

A real conversation between two christians

A: I don't just want to be an observer. Too boring, and I'd rather make a difference in the world. It's too easy just to be an observer, and to say that is, IMO, a sign of giving up on making a difference.

B: Not only in the christian community wanting to make a difference. Other organised religions and the society wants to make a differences. When the different differences come together, then there will be a clash?

Everybody is talking about making a difference nowadays. Yup, I want too. Go the Church way or the world way? I know the answer is obvious.

A: And I'd rather try to win at the game everyone else is playing, than to just sit back and watch them play it.

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Thursday, October 04, 2007

"Listen to musics" announcement

I have corrected the errors - the Chinese characters error - at the Listen to musics section on the right column bar. You may not be able to listen to some of the musics there. I will correct it once I have found the solution and have the time and will to do it.

Owner of My Thoughts, My Life Journey

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Tuesday, October 02, 2007

My FYP supervisor's comments

Suddenly feel like blogging about my FYP report. My supervisor wrote some comments on the final draft version. Felt quite happy when I first received it. Now here hao lianing. :p Just captured an image of one portion of my draft that has the comments.

Must my English always hinder me from writing great stories, essays, articles, reports and the like? Oh well...

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Thursday, September 27, 2007

When people ask you questions . . .

When people ask you questions, I used to think that they are just concern of you and want to know more about you. But years of experience tell me I was wrong. They are just doing some intelligence stuff - either to their own benefits or to use it for "gossiping" purposes. I still maintain that they just want to catch up with my life .. but hey .. through the conversation, you would be able to tell who is and isn't. Most of them ain't. I don't know... I don't wish to say too much on this .. this is sensitive. I think I'm getting more and more less trusting of people.. They always have hidden agenda and they will use you until they have what they want... haiz..

I don't know. I think I am too naive ... but I'm changing .... arg .......

Perhaps I am wrong. Perhaps I am too sensitive.

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Wednesday, September 26, 2007

ORD lor!!

1 week after my ORD, I blog about it. haha.. (One thing sian is that during the period I was clearing leave, I became down with fever.)

I never expect my remaining NS liability was that enjoyable. Compare it with my previous unit, it was like heaven and hell!! The army really changed a lot. Besides NSFs being treated more human, the area cleaning part like no need to do so much le. Actually I don't know, because I am comparing what I saw in my new camp with my previous camp.

Life was good. Going back after graduation really makes a lot of different. I were being treated differently. haha.. actually this is not accurate ... it depends on which unit you are in and who is your boss!!

Now I have my IPPT to worry... working le where got time and mood to train up. :S

Anyway, ORD lor. :D

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I was super sick

I was super sick for nearly a month man. I think it is my first time bah. 1 week fever + cough + sore throat (first time combo sickness no block nose leh) followed by itchy throat + cough. The last doctor I visited diagnosed that I had lung infection as she said my left lung a bit noisy. She gave me a super big antibiotics to take and it is the first time I take such a big medicine. :S Below is the image of the super big medicine. Think the actual looks bigger than this.

Thinking back .... that 1 week fever, my whole body ache, my leg joint pain. My spine muscle ache, most probably due to sleep too much on bed. I thought I got dengue.. haha.. lucky not dengue.

The second doctor I saw.. really not professional. He forgotten to tick the type of blood test I needed to take, and he did not use touch light to see my throat nor did he listen to my breathing. He had a sleepy look and he looked like he was very sian. Wah.. first time I met such a doctor. Maybe female doctors are more patient bah.. lol.. because the other doctors I saw were female and I had got no problems with them. :D

Heng, now I'm okay liao. :D It is important to take care of one's health wor.

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Sunday, July 22, 2007

Cat in the bicycle basket

Today I went home from church, I saw a cat in my bicycle basket. Seeing it was so cute, I decided to take some photos of it. I finished it with a video taking. I think I will just upload the video here bah. It is just a very short clip. Enjoy. =D

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Saturday, July 21, 2007

How true!!

How true the wordings in the pictures are!!

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Sunday, July 15, 2007

Piss off with some people

Piss off with some people... Keep reminding me of this verse: "When words are many, sin is not absent, but he who holds his tongue is wise. (Proverbs 10:18-20) "

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Saturday, July 14, 2007

Just some thoughts

If there is no examiner, then there is no need to study and sit for examination. Similarly, if the Judge of all the earth does not exist, then it is not necessary to be good!! Morality is nothing but just a worthless sets of principles created by man. There is no need to be good to anyone as I don't owe them anything... and the world will become cold. But the truth is: In the end, we will be all be judged that day..... and our consciences also bearing witness, and our thoughts now accusing, now even defending if what we are doing are right....

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Monday, July 09, 2007

Hit and run

"Hit and run" people in cyberspace is as good as hit and run accident on the road!

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Tips on telling people that you have life

is by showing off your photos (with sarcasm :p muhahaha)

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Thursday, July 05, 2007

Jokes and Humour Forum

Jokes and Humour Forum is a forum I set up 1 - 2 years ago. Originally, the name of the forum is just jokes forum but later I changed it to the current name to make it sound nice and attractive to people. In the beginning, I received a poor response from readers (or rather forumers) as I was seen as fighting for readership in the jokes threads in other forums. Nevertheless, I put in effort to try to make people feel that this is a worthy forum. It did not really get recognized until quite recently, about a few months ago, when people started to post a lot of jokes (sometimes dirty jokes :S) and comment on each jokes. This month, the ranking of my forum is in the top 20 - number 17th! Wow, that is a long way, and its ranking kept climbing slowly and slowly in the past. I am happy with the response. Nowadays, I don't have much time to read all the jokes and monitor the threads and I leave it to the other moderators and forumers to decide for themselves the type of jokes they want. I do monitor the forum but not as frequently as in the past after I graduated.

The "success" (can I say that? :p) of my forum takes 1 - 2 years for people to finally recognize my intention but how much harder and longer will it takes for people to finally recognize the Truth? God has given us a life time but that does not mean we can take it for granted for He has set aside our life expectancy - we never know when we will "expire".

Although I am not a very holy believer of God, I do hope that people would believe what I say about God and His plan - and stop putting on their blue lens to view me as a holy people for I am human like you and prone to submit to worldly stuffs. That is, being a Christian is really a struggle as in we have to wage a spiritual war everyday.

Faith and relationship in God (rather than what the world would categorize as religion) is not a joke. It is a serious matter and it would affect your eternal destiny like what you decide for your education affect your future career(s). It is worth the time to put on your thinking cap and think about it. Either conform to the world - currently run by the ancient serpent - now and pay the consequence later or conform to the One who is the ultimate truth to life now. I would rather choose the latter and the road is not always straight. "There's always a choice."

The time will come when the mystery of God will be finished. And it is not that far from now, I believe.

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Sunday, June 24, 2007

A trip to chinese/japanese garden

A couple of weeks after the start of semester 2, I went to visit chinese and japanese garden. I had not gone to this garden for a long time since young and also I heard that the admission is free. So I decided to pay it a visit. I asked debu and yang guo to come along but they were not interested. Nevertheless, this did not stop me from going there. I had taken some shots as proof. :p No la, I took them because there are nice sceneries. Take a look at these photos and give feedbacks on my photography skills too. :D (The camera I used has only 4.1 Mega pixels.)

Chinese Garden

Japanese Garden

The garden is renovating. Looking forward to visit in its new look. :D

The end.

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Monday, June 18, 2007

中国 used to be called 中邦 used to be called 神州

Interestingly, I found out that China used to be called 神州, meaning God's country or Holy country. [Historical Records 史记 vol 74, Meng Zi Xun Qing]


Recommended book to read:

Faith of Our Fathers - Discovering God in ancient China
(A Review)

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Sunday, June 17, 2007

Snails mating

A day before our last examination period in NTU, KF, JR and I went home quite late together heading towards the bus-stop at communication studies building there. Then we chanced upon a couple - snail - mating by the side of the pathway. As most of the time I brought camera with me to school in case I need it for my FYP, I was able to capture the copulation of the snail.

However, the following photo shows the real copulation:

So, it seems that the couple snails we came across are just at the stage before mating...


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