Saturday, December 06, 2008

Something to think about..

Happen to come across this comment...

Hmmm.... something to think about..

Only a Christian nation would have allowed this atheist a choice to not believe. Not even atheist nations give you a choice. You have to believe what they want you to believe. So the fact that he is able to freely protest proves to me that we live in a free Christian nation. History proves that there is no freedom without God. If only the atheist would learn this.

Below is a good enough answer to those who wants to know... Happen to come across this comment too..

I have to agree with Jack Kelly's commentary on the holiday season. It was and is originally a pagan holiday season. Let's let them have it back and begin to celebrate Jesus' birth at the time that he was most probably born, which is around Rosh Hoshana. The Romans are the reason we celebrate Christ's birth at this time in their attempt to combine the old Roman pagan gods and Christianity. The same goes for the Resurection and Easter. Ever wondered what bunnies and eggs have to do with the Resurection of our Lord and Savior? It comes from the Babylonian goddess Ishtar, the goddess of fertility. Lets celebrate Resurection Sunday when it supposed to be celebrated, the Sunday following Passover. Let the pagans have their rituals, lets celebrate our Christian Holy days when they should be celebrated. The atheist is right about this, these are not historically Christian holidays/festivals. I know this is probably not a popular view. I've never been able to really wrap my arms around Christmas for this reason, not since I was a kid. As for Santa Clause, again I have to agree with Mr. Kelly. Lets stop lying to our kids about where blessings come from, and exhalt our Lord to them instead, give Him the glory for all blessings. Kids, ultimately, don't care one whit where the presents come from, as long as they come. Just my 2 cents.

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Children are born believers in God, academic claims

Children are born believers in God, academic claims
Children are "born believers" in God and do not simply acquire religious beliefs through indoctrination, according to an academic.

By Martin Beckford, Religious Affairs Correspondent
Last Updated: 11:36PM GMT 24 Nov 2008

Dr Justin Barrett, a senior researcher at the University of Oxford's Centre for Anthropology and Mind, claims that young people have a predisposition to believe in a supreme being because they assume that everything in the world was created with a purpose.

He says that young children have faith even when they have not been taught about it by family or at school, and argues that even those raised alone on a desert island would come to believe in God.

"The preponderance of scientific evidence for the past 10 years or so has shown that a lot more seems to be built into the natural development of children's minds than we once thought, including a predisposition to see the natural world as designed and purposeful and that some kind of intelligent being is behind that purpose," he told BBC Radio 4's Today programme.

"If we threw a handful on an island and they raised themselves I think they would believe in God."

In a lecture to be given at the University of Cambridge's Faraday Institute on Tuesday, Dr Barrett will cite psychological experiments carried out on children that he says show they instinctively believe that almost everything has been designed with a specific purpose.

In one study, six and seven-year-olds who were asked why the first bird existed replied "to make nice music" and "because it makes the world look nice".

Another experiment on 12-month-old babies suggested that they were surprised by a film in which a rolling ball apparently created a neat stack of blocks from a disordered heap.

Dr Barrett said there is evidence that even by the age of four, children understand that although some objects are made by humans, the natural world is different.

He added that this means children are more likely to believe in creationism rather than evolution, despite what they may be told by parents or teachers.

Dr Barrett claimed anthropologists have found that in some cultures children believe in God even when religious teachings are withheld from them.

"Children's normally and naturally developing minds make them prone to believe in divine creation and intelligent design. In contrast, evolution is unnatural for human minds; relatively difficult to believe."

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Monday, December 01, 2008

A/P Ang Whye Teong has joined my church

Ok, A/P Ang Whye Teong taught me Mathematics 3 before. I saw him a couple of times in English service last year. But saw his testimony yesterday. Alright, below is his and his wife testimony:

This is him (in case some of you forget):

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